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The Land of “What If?”

Nathan Moss

We bought an Airstream! I still can not believe it. From the very beginning when we made the decision to live in an RV full time, we fell in love with the riveted life these beauties offer.

Looking back over our journey of RV living, although we have had several RV’s, we don’t feel we made a bad decision on those purchases. Each decision was what we needed at the time, and we have no regrets. They all offered learning experiences and provided us with the vessel to travel the country creating incredible family memories.

Having no regrets is kind of our family motto. That is how we make a lot of our decisions.

When we face a tough decision we ask ourselves, “If we don’t try, will we regret it?” If the answer is yes, then we are probably not going in that direction due to FEAR and we don’t want fear determining our path.

As a family we have discovered we would rather regret a decision made, rather than regret one we did not make.

No regrets is how we finally got to the point of purchasing our first Airstream. Our hearts told us to go for it, but our fear of failure whispered that it couldn’t happen. By failure I mean we knew we loved the IDEA of downsizing our RV, but could we really go smaller?

We had already sold our 1800 square foot house and downsized to a 42 foot 5th wheel. It was a hard transition and we loved living in our 5th wheel, but we soon realized it was too large for traveling full time and moving as often as we do.

We then downsized again and we have currently been living the past year in a 39ft motorhome. It has been a wonderful experience for our family and yet again we are at the point asking ourselves, “Could we go even smaller?”

We choose to keep downsizing because our goal is to reach the smallest amount of space we can comfortably live in. In the RV world and from our personal experience, the smaller the camper the more freedom and flexibility you gain. You can always fit a small RV in a big space is our philosophy and in return more possibilities are born.

Although in theory we love the idea of going smaller once again, fear occasionally creeps in. What if we hate it? What if it is too small? It is almost the fear of us having to admit we couldn’t do it and that fear almost chased us away from our dream of owning an Airstream.

After much thought and prayer we decided, what is the worst that could happen? Why would we let fear once again tell us what to do? If we had listened to the fear that told us we could not sell our house and live in a camper, then we would not be living this amazing lifestyle and creating memories of a lifetime as a family.

Yes sometimes our dreams do not work out the way we had imagined and yes sometimes we fall flat on our face.

However, we are ready to fall, because when you fall you never know where you may land and LOVE where it takes you.

So here we go downsizing once again and it is SCARY but EXCITING all at the same time. We would rather look back on our lives and say what an experience that was following our Airstream dream, than staring at each other 30 years down the road wondering, “What If?”

What if we had taken more chances, what if we had followed our dreams, WHAT IF?

It may not work out for our family or it could be an AMAZING adventure together. We are willing to find where life in an Airstream is going to take us. We are yet again saying goodbye to a chapter in our lives, to open the pages of a new journey. A journey of no regrets and no what if’s.

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